Quick Copywriting Tip: Use Rhythm For More Engaging Content
Don't write words; write music.
Easier said than done, right? Actually, no.
Because no matter how musical you are (or aren't), the invisible power of rhythm in good writing grips you, silently.
• Rhythm hooks you in.
• Rhythm catches you by surprise.
• Rhythm — when done right — is what can keep an audience engaged.
But why?
Rhythm intrinsically makes reading more pleasurable, which in advertising and marketing writing means: more effective.
Want to start harnessing the power of rhythm in whatever type of content you're writing? Well, first read below. Then employ vigorously.
Copywriting Tip: Vary Your Sentence Length
Short sentences grab attention. They land a punch. And keep you engaged. Longer sentences are great for changing the pace or adding some flavour, like a conversation. Together, they start to create movement. They dance. One leads, and the other follows. For instance, this paragraph consists of sentences varying in length. Reread it. How does it flow?
But there's a downside too. When you only write short. It starts to feel robotic. Each sentence sounds the same. And readers lose interest. They know what's coming. Like, what's happening now? You've just tuned out.
So, What's The Trick?
The trick is to speed up, slow down, and switch your sentence length. You'll create a rhythm that breaks up text, like music, but in word form. That's the crux of compelling content. You captivate your audience by changing things up. Suddenly, they're not simply reading. They're along for the ride. *Silent nods in agreement.*
So figure out what 'good music' sounds like to you. Tune in. Listen for it. Try different combinations of sentence lengths until you've found something song-worthy.
Then... let the words sing.