Hello, You

I’m Lou—Melbourne Freelance Copywriter & Creative Chameleon.

I’ve spent my life as an actor, singer, storyteller and copywriter—blending a particular set of skills to help get your brand noticed.

Louis Lucente – Melbourne's Best-Looking Freelance Copywriter 2022. (As awarded by my mother.)


Sure, I get it. You know what you want to say but not how to say it. Or you're sick of the dull waffle that just fills space and sounds like a generic chatbot.

That's where I step in. I combine the art of words with the science that works—crafting copy that's both artful and impactful.

Sometimes it's about creativity and charm. Other times, it's brutal simplicity and a well-told truth. But most often, it's about understanding exactly what your words need to do.

I take the time, do the research, and sharpen the strategy first. Only then do I put it in words. No shortcuts. No regrets.


You're not like everyone else. Your brand has its own sound, rhythm, personality—authentically yours. All the best brands do. You might not have fully articulated it.

So your challenge is simple but critical: your voice need to resonate with your audience, move them, connect with them. You need the right words to share the right message and build engagement.

Because when they like you, they trust you.
When they trust you, they buy from you.
When they buy from you, they come back.


Getting curious, I'll ask plenty of questions. I'll take the time to grasp your unique brand voice—how you think and express yourself.

Then, like Daniel Day-Lewis, I go full method, ensuring each word, each sentence, carries that unmistakable mark of your brand's personality.

My aim? Yes—greater than an Oscar-winning performance—is to help you attract clients, command attention, and drive real results for your business.


Full disclosure: I don't work with just anyone. I don’t have the time or the bandwidth.

If you’re after more bland, more jargon, more fluff—I'm not the copywriter for you.

If you want someone who knows what they're doing and can make your words sing? Good.

Hit that button below ↓

Let's Talk


A creative copywriter saying a big hello to you.